Monday, February 22, 2010

Christmas 2009

For Christmas this past year, we had a fun, low-key family Christmas at home -- just the four of us.  It was the girls' second Christmas, but the first one where they had any awareness of the events around them.  They're still just getting used to the idea of presents, and weren't really ready for any concepts like Santa, but they were definitely old enough to enjoy new toys, boxes, and paper!
As you can see in these pics, their loot consisted of pint-size armchairs, trucks, pull toys, books, and stuffed animals.  They seemed pretty pleased :)  I've been happy to see that all of the gifts have had staying power, and some of them that weren't as popular initially (the pull-toys), have been getting more use in recent weeks.

As parents, it's kind of nice that the girls are breaking us in slowly on the Christmas thing.  We did stay up late wrapping, but we didn't have the same pressure to carefully hide presents in advance that we will in future years.

It was fun being together at home for Christmas, and we are thinking of making that a tradition (one I had at home growing up as well).

1 comment:

Grandpa P said...

Looks like the girls had a great Christmas! Some really cute looks. I especially liked the picture of Jazz looking at the Christmas tree (ornament) and you can see her reflection in the ornament. Great pic!

Can't wait to see them both in a few days!

Thanks for the update!