We were all a little bored so we decided to hop on a plane and go to Vegas for the weekend. Ok, we weren't really bored, but we did want to go visit Great-Grandma who lives in Las Vegas. The trip had its challenges but we had a great time. The girls had a great time with Grandma, Grandpa, Great-Grandma, and the Great-Uncle and Great-Aunt.

All in all, pretty great.

The girls were happy, healthy, and *mostly* well-behaved, although the flight back was a bit stressful. Flying as two adults with two infants is quite the logistical challenge. I hear of moms that do it alone, which is unfathomable. Fortunately my parents were on hand to help at the Las Vegas side of things, which was huge. They bought baby supplies, helped me at baggage claim while Mel got the rental car, helped us to the hotel, and most importantly -- babysat in the evenings so we could go out.

My Grandmother (Great-Grandma or GG from here on out) was very happy to meet the girls! She talked with them and and played with them, watched them read books and eat cookies, saw Jasmine's teeth, saw them get swaddled for naptime and everything else.

Maddie and Jazz did a lot of laughing and smiling in return. We were sad that Great-Grandpa didn't get to see them, having passed away just one month earlier. But we know that he was thinking about them and had their picture close by. He always loved babies and children.

Great-Uncle-Greg and Great-Aunt-Leslee were there too, and taught the girls some new tricks, such as how to shake a rattle. They have been practicing ever since!

Fortunately we made it back home intact, and have recovered. Now we are looking forward to GG coming to Seattle!

She says she wants to come for a visit which would be fantastic!!
Note to GG -- you should come in the summertime while the weather is nice.