The twins are now one! Hard to believe it's been a year already. We did plenty of reminiscing on the 11th and 12th about what we'd been doing the year previous...
Lots of stuff going on now. I still need to organize my pics, but thought I'd jot down some updates and add some pics (and links to videos) later.
The girls had a great time on their birthday weekend. Mel and I took that day (Friday) off, and we also had three visitors: Grandma and Grandpa Pierce, and Mckaela! Both girls loved having all these great people around! There was always at least one person holding them or giving them attention -- reading, playing, etc. Mel and I took advantage of the free babysitting as well. During the weekend the girls went to the zoo, got their first haircuts, had a birthday party at the park, and went to the swimming pool (one with lots of very shallow areas).
For their party, I had decked them out in little tutu-like skirts -- the first time I have dressed them up in something truly girly! One of the skirts is orange, and the other is brown though, so it wasn't tooo bad. I'll post pics. Their birthday clothes came from their gift from Great-Grandma. We had a few friends with babies or kids join us for the party, and it was a blast. The girls walked around, ate crackers and blueberries, played with the other kids, played with their new toys, and ate cupcakes.
In other news, they are both babbling quite a bit these days, especially Jasmine. She likes to make a combo and repeat it, like "beuda-beuda-beuda" and "tumba-tumba-tumba". They both do a lot of pointing now, while saying "dat?" or "ah?" or something like that. They're starting to try to say words like "dat!" for cat, or "p-tss" for pictures. They're also getting into songs with motions like itsy-bitsy-spider and when-you're-happy-and-you-know-it.
Also, we turned the car seats around! It's great to be able to turn around and look at them, and they seem to enjoy being able to see where they are going, and interact with us more.
We got through their 12-month doctor check-up which went well. Maddie as 90% for height and 70% for weight; Jasmine is greater than 95% for both, but she is getting closer to the curve. The doc says she is more like an 18-month-old size-wise. They are both healthy. Jaz is growing some molars to accompany her 8 front teeth -- two have broken the gums. Maddie is happy with her 6 for now -- 4 on top and 2 on the bottom.
We are having a lot of fun with them these days. They get giggly, proud, curious, focused, cuddly, and adventurous. Sometimes frustrated and whiny. But it's a wonderful experience!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
First Steps
The girls are know officially toddlers! A few weeks ago they started taking their first unaided steps, and it's been pretty fun. Mel's created a video montage.
Early August Pics
August has been a pretty fun month. The girls have been going to swim class, exploring more things around the house, chasing the cats, and learning to walk! Here are a bunch of pics from August.
Playing at home.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Boise visit
The actual time in Boise was great! We had cousins from Aunt Mary's family, Aunt Liz's family, and of course Aunt Rebecca's family, as well as the Aunts themselves, Uncle Rich, Uncle Mike, and Grandma and Grandpa. We stayed at G&G's house which was great. G&G took on a lot of the feeding and babysitting while we were there. The girls had a great time playing with all of the people, playing with the new toys there, and playing with and watching their cousins. It was really sweet to see them with some of their littlest cousins who played with them -- like Reese, Jacob, Michael, and Joseph. Hmm, all boys... Most of the youngest cousins are boys these days - at least the ones in Boise at the time. It was also great to see them with their cousin who is the same age -- Benjamin! At last we got the three of them together. He is a sweetie who is almost always laughing or smiling. Grandma and Grandpa got a kick out of lining up three high chairs and feeding them all together while the rest of the family (including Mel & Shannon) were out at the lake boating and waterskiing.
On July 4th, Mel and Rich set up fireworks out along the driveway at Rich and Rebecca's house. They have a huge front yard, so there was plenty of room for the family to sit on the grass at a safe distance and watch. The girls had not gone to sleep properly so we got them up and let them watch as well. Maddie got scared and had to go inside, but Jasmine liked watching them, as long as I covered her ears for the loud parts. She'd get excited and lean forward, and then as soon as one went off, she'd sit down in my lap, just a little cautious.
During the car trip back, we stopped at a barbeque restaurant for dinner, and put the girls in high chairs there. That's actually the first time we've done that at a restaurant, and I was surprised at how well it went. We had goldfish, water, and baby food for the girls, and fed them in between eating ourselves, and giving them toys to play with. They seemed to like the experience, and Jasmine got a big kick out of smiling at people at the nearby table. They got a kick out of it too, so there was a bunch of smiling and laughing on both sides. She is turning into a little flirt, smiling at just about everyone, and loving it when they smile back.
Playing in Grandma & Grandpa's living room: Maddie with Grandma, cousins Reese (above) and Ben.
Maddie with Grandma and Grandpa
Real highchairs are fun!
Maddie and Jazz with their slightly younger cousin Benjamin.
In Grandma's back yard.
More fun in Grandma's back yard in the lovely grass.
Jasmine with Aunt Mary and Jacob (a sweetheart!).
Taking a break at a rest stop on the drive home.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Well, the girls have been alive longer on the outside than the inside at this point. They're doing really well. They still haven't really been sick, to speak of. Just a day here or there of a runny nose.
Uncle Michael with Maddie and Jazz on the couch
These last couple weeks have been a whirlwind at our house. First Mel was traveling for work for four days (California and Nebraska), then we had a lovely weekend visit from Uncle Michael (my brother), and then I was gone to India for five days (3 days in India, 2 days traveling). It was tough to be away from them for so long. I brought them back cute little baby saris.
Today we had our first tots swim class. Mel and I each took a baby and got in the pool. We mostly sang songs and played little activities to get comfortable in the water. The favorite was the "Washing Machine" song, which included "agititate" (twist the baby side to side) "spin cycle" (spin in a circle holding the baby away from you) and "air dry" (spin and lift the baby out of the water). Before class we took some pictures of their new swim suits of course.
Just got their new suits!
Waiting outside for swim class
Jazz continues to practice saying "mama" and "dada". Madeleine is laughing a lot these days -- or giggling, really. It's neat to see the pure joyous abandon on her face :) Both girls tend to take spills these days, as they push their limits of standing up and pulling themselves up. That part's a little tougher, but they're resilient kids!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
9 months old
The girls turned 3/4 of a year old last Thursday. They surely are getting older! The changes are gradual, but pretty fast, nonetheless. Jasmine continues to be the leader in reaching new milestones. This week she has been saying 'mama' and 'dada' in ways that imply that she knows what they mean... She likes looking at pictures of us. Both girls clearly understand some things that we say -- for example, they turn and look at the "kitty cat" when we talk about him. Today they were both chattering up a storm. Jasmine said "dada" and "tata" a bunch, while Madeleine was digging "papa" and "baba". When I said either of those things back to her, she thought it was hilarious!
They are both delightful. I continue to think of Jasmine as more outwardly focused. She loves looking at interesting things and faces, and tries to get reactions out of the people around her. She was focused on a little boy at the park the other day. Madeleine is more inwardly focused. Often when she gets something that she's been reaching for, she gets a little private smile on her face. She's happier to play by herself without looking up for reassurance as often. They are both super-sweet -- they enjoy hugs and sitting on laps more than they used to, which is wonderful for me! I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts.
Jazz is now officially crawling. It's exciting but also scary of course. Anything within 6 feet of her that she shouldn't pick up is guaranteed to be in her hands within 30 seconds. I suppose she's teaching me how to baby-proof. I'm hearing the word "no" start to come out of my mouth occasionally which is a little strange. Maddie is happy on her stomach, and will pivot around her midpoint a full 360 degrees, but no inclination to move as yet.
Their 9-month checkup went great. They are both very healthy, and also huge. Maddie is 28 in. tall and almost 20 lbs. That's 75th percentile for both. Her head circumference (47 cm) is 95th percentile. Jasmine is 29 in and 26 lbs. That's 95th percentile and 'way off the charts' respectively. Her head is 1.5 cm bigger than Maddie's -- also off the charts.
These pictures are just a peek into what they've been up to lately!
almost bathtime
Maddie standing with the stroller at the park
At the park - J has succeeded in removing her hat.
playing at home
Jasmine has already played with that trail of toys.
two favorite things: playing and standing
The new "music table" toy
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Memorial Day
Mel and I got married on Memorial Day three years ago -- and this year, my folks came out to babysit so we could get away for a long weekend! It was so nice. Here are some pics from their visit (and one pic of what Mel & I were up to).

I think it looks like they had a pretty good time! They were happy campers and didn't throw any tantrums for the grandparents -- which is great, because the grandparents say they'll be willing to do it again!
Mel and I are definitely willing to do it again...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Summer in Seattle
We've been spending more time outside with the girls because it is just gorgeous out. And our lawn got fixed so we've been enjoying it. Saturday we took some pictures in our backyard (and a few inside).
Both girls love standing up now. Maddie is starting to push away hands so she can stand up by herself, but she only stays up for a few seconds. Jazz is rolling around the floor and crawling backwards.
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