The pictures here were taken about two weeks ago, at an event that the local parents-of-twins club set up for getting professional photos. The adorable outfits were given to the girls by my aunt's mother. Thanks Alice!! They're super cute. Unfortunately our timeslot was a bit late in the day, so the girls were too sleepy to smile long enough for a picture. Also, there's a dot of drool on Madeleine that we didn't notice, and which is visible in most of the pictures. Oops. Next year we should have a little more luck!
The girls' two month checkup went well. The wene 11 lbs 13 oz (Jasmine) and 11 lbs 3 oz (Madeleine), now 50th percentile for height, and over 50th percentile in weight! They're packing it on, as evidenced by Jasmine's cheeks :) It's amazing how fast they've grown. It's hard to notice day by day, but the increasing tightness of their clothes, and their fit in bouncers, carseats, etc is pretty dramatically different. Not much else to report for now, but I do need to get some more pictures off of our cameras and upload them -- hopefully in the next week or so.